Guy Barrette
Technical Courseware Developer and/or Technical Trainer

About Me
Guy Barrette is a Technical Courseware Developer and Technical Trainer. He lives in Montreal, Canada where he was the leader of the Montreal .NET User Group for more than 23 years and the Visual Studio Talk Show French podcast co-host for 16 years. He was a Microsoft MVP for 20 years and a speaker at developers' conferences like PrairieDevCon, Confoo, Microsoft TechDays and DevTeach. Guy recently worked on courses creation at VMware by Broadcom for Tanzy Academy and Spring Academy. Prior to that, he launched Kuberbernetes Academy where he teached about containers and Kubernetes, creating courses specific to Azure, GCP, DigitalOcean and Linode. His Fundamentals course on the FreeCodeCamp YouTube channel has garnered more then 850k views so far!
Courseware creation
Tanzu Academy
online courses:
Application Platform: Overview
Tanzu Application Platform: Inner Loop
Tanzu Application Platform: Production Ready
Spring Academy
online guide:
Update a Spring Boot App Live in the Cloud
Kubernetes Academy online and in person courses:
Docker Containers and Kubernetes Fundamentals
Containers and Kubernetes on
Containers and Kubernetes on GCP
Containers and Kubernetes on
Containers and Kubernetes on DigitalOcean
ETS Formation
in person course:
Fondements des conteneurs Docker et de Kubernetes
This course was published on the FreeCodeCamp YouTube channel and has garnered more then 850,000 views to date!
I have trained many in-person and virtual classes.
Past certifications and awards.
A Propos (French)
Guy Barrette est développeur de formations techniques et formateur technique. Il vit à Montréal, au Canada, où il a été leader du groupe d'utilisateurs .NET de Montréal pendant plus de 23 ans et co-animateur du podcast français Visual Studio Talk Show pendant 16 ans. Il a été MVP Microsoft pendant 20 ans et conférencier lors de conférences telles que PrairieDevCon, Confoo, Microsoft TechDays et DevTeach. Guy a récemment travaillé sur la création de cours chez VMware par Broadcom pour Tanzy Academy et Spring Academy. Avant cela, il a lancé la Kuberbernetes Academy où il a enseigné les conteneurs et Kubernetes, créant des cours spécifiques à Azure, GCP, DigitalOcean et Linode. Son cours Fondamentaux sur la chaîne YouTube FreeCodeCamp a atteint jusqu'à présent plus de 850 000 vues!
Création de formations
Tanzu Academy: formations en ligne
Application Platform: Overview
Tanzu Application Platform: Inner Loop
Tanzu Application Platform: Production Ready
Spring Academy: guide
Update a Spring Boot App Live in the Cloud
Kubernetes Academy: formations en ligne et en personne
Docker Containers and Kubernetes Fundamentals
Containers and Kubernetes on
Containers and Kubernetes on GCP
Containers and Kubernetes on
Containers and Kubernetes on DigitalOcean
ETS Formation: formation en personne
Fondements des conteneurs Docker et de Kubernetes